1. Remember to bring your graduation gown to Baccalaureate 3:00 Sunday, 5/25 at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
2. NHSers – Seniors, remember that you need to have your 15 hours in by May 29.
3. Graduation Practice 5/29 & 5/30 – 9:00am – Auditorium – It is mandatory that you attend.
4. Graduation – 5/30 – Report to the auditorium at 5:59
The graduation caps with names on them that are on the bulletin board are a tribute to the graduating seniors. Please do not remove them from the board!
Attention All Students – As in years past Mr. Thompson will be cleaning out your personal folder during the summer. If anything needs to be saved, see Mr. Thom or Mr. Thompson.
Attention Sophomores – There will be a “car wash” fundraiser on August 16th from 10:00-2:00. If you can work please give your name and phone number to a class officer.
All members of the boys track team meet in the gym today at 11:50 to vote on post season awards. Please turn in your uniform to Mr. Fossitt by Tuesday, 5/27.
Cheer Team try-outs will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27 and 28 right after school until 5:15 p.m. You must be present for both days. Try-outs will be held on Friday – you must be present for the try-outs on Friday to be eligible for the team. Come dressed and ready to practice. Meet in Ms. Ellis’ room at the middle school.
There will be an open gym for volleyball this Sunday from 4-6 at the high school gym. Summer volleyball schedules are available in the athletic hanging pockets outside Miss Gilson’s office.
There will be a meeting at 8:00am Tuesday, 5/27 in the library for girls planning on going out for JV girls basketball next year.