Friday, October 31, 2008
Freshman – Pie orders are due this coming Monday, Nov 3rd with the money!! Give the money and order form to either Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins.
Sophomores -- Remember to collect money as people are ordering their fruit. All money needs to be turned in with your order on November 7th. Checks can be made payable to Lake City Area Schools.
All YAC Members – Please stop in the office by the end of the day and pick up your Fingers and Toes information sheet. Don’t forget to get your boxes out this weekend!
We are having a Mock Election on Tuesday, November 4th. In order to participate, you must be a registered voter. Registration tables will be set up at lunch in the lobby. All you have to do is fill out a registration card with your name and grade. Everyone can participate. Get registered and cast your vote!!
Attention CTC students – There is no CTC on Monday, 11/3. AM CTC students need to arrive by 5th hour and PM CTC students can leave after 4th hour with parent permission.
“Challenge of the Week” is “Thank a teacher or other adult for making a difference in your life.”
There will be an informational meeting for any Juniors or Seniors who may be interested in an online Dual Enrollment college course for next semester or next year, Thursday, November 6th at 12:30 pm in the auditorium. If you are interested in hearing more about dual enrollment, you must sign up in the office. We will go over the classes available and how the program works. See Mrs. Richardson if you have any questions.
Attention Juniors & Seniors – A representative from
Saturday, 11/1
Varsity Cross Country – Away – State Meet
JV Volleyball – Away –
Varsity Volleyball – Away – Conf. Tourn. @ McBain – 9:00am – Bus departs 8:00am
Trash bag orders are being delivered today, 10/31. Please pick your orders up between 3:00 and 5:00 at the back of the school. Anyone that can’t pick their orders up Friday should contact Shawn Redman at 839-2943 to make other arrangements.
All 9th and 10th grade girls interested in playing basketball this year please meet in room 16 on Monday, Nov. 3 at 12:15. Get your lunch and come down.
The athletic department has new Lake City Trojan lanyards for sale. Cost is $3.00 or two for $5.00. See Mr. Peterson or Ms Gilson.