Friday, September 11, 2009
FROM THE PRINCIPAL: students are to park at the east end of the building and the east side of the gravel parking lot. Students are NOT to park at the west side of the gravel parking lot near the elementary portables. If you are confused, read the signs posted in the parking lot. Violators may be towed!
NHS – there will be a meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Phillips’ room at 12:20 p.m. Make sure you are there on time. See Ms. Bernier if you are not able to attend.
There will be a varsity club meeting in the auditorium Monday, September 14 during lunch.
10TH GRADERS – remember to pay your class dues ASAP to Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Atkins or
Jared Wright. Dues are $10.00 this year. You may pay last year’s too if you have not already paid. Also – we are in need of four 50/50 ticket sellers for the homecoming football game and two ticket sellers for the gate. Please see Mrs. Atkins or Mrs. Peterson if you are interested. Don’t forget – float building meetings will be this Friday from 5-8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 1-6:00 p.m. at Megan Atkins’ pole barn on Jennings Road.
Students – if your date for the homecoming dance is not a Lake City High School student, you must register them in the office by the end of lunch on Friday, September 18. The sheet is on the counter.
Students – today is the last day for schedule changes. If you want to make a change, pick up a schedule change form in the office and return it by the end of the day.
Volleyball and cross country sports pictures will be taken today after school. Volleyball pictures will be taken in the gym, and cross country will be taken outside behind the elementary portables. If you do not have a picture envelope – see your coach today.
Varsity football will play at Pine River – 7:00 p.m. – bus 5:00 p.m.