Friday, June 10, 2016
There is a community pig roast presented by Lake City Area Schools and Ebel’s General Store on Tuesday, June 14 from 4-7 p.m. in the Lake City High School back parking lot. A free will offering will be accepted toward the meal. Donations will be accepted and will go towards the new Community Center.
Just a reminder to be on time Monday for first hour exams.
There will be a meeting on Monday during lunch in Ms. Bernier’s room for those signed up to take AP English next year. Bring your summer schedule of vacations and camps with you.
Summer Credit Recovery forms are due this Friday to Mrs. Richardson. If you end up not passing a class this semester and want to do summer credit recovery, see Mrs. Richardson by 11:45 on Wednesday to sign up.
A parent of middle school girl is looking for some volunteer tutoring in Math over the summer. If you are looking to volunteer, this is a great opportunity. See Mrs. Richardson if you are interested.
Students: If you plan to participate in any sport next year, you will need to have a new sports physical.
Physical cards are available in the office. You will not be able to participate in any practice until a physical card is on file in the athletic office.