Thursday, June 9, 2016


Thursday, June 09, 2016



There is a community pig roast presented by Lake City Area Schools and Ebel’s General Store on Tuesday, June 14 from 4-7 p.m. in the Lake City High School back parking lot.   A free will offering will be accepted toward the meal.  Donations will be accepted and will go towards the new Community Center.


We will have locker clean out during AI today.  Freshmen will go to their lockers after attendance, sophomores at 1:30, and juniors at 1:40.  Thank you.


There will be a Student Council meeting today at lunch in Mr. Thom’s room.


Just a reminder to be on time Monday for first hour exams. 


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                               


Summer Credit Recovery forms are due this Friday to Mrs. Richardson.  




The golf banquet will be held tomorrow 5:00 p.m. at the golf course.