Friday, May 24, 2013
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Justin Trafford.
Final yearbook payments must be paid today. If you do not pay the remaining balance, your deposit will be refunded and the book will be sold to the next person on the waiting list. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Atkins. Tuesday, May 28 is the last day for returning library books. Please make sure you have everything turned in to the high school library by that day. Thank you. Interested in auditioning for drama for the upcoming school year? Sign up for an audition outside Mr. Webb’s room. Auditions start on Tuesday, May 28 and run through Friday, May 31. There are two audition spots available during lunch and four spots available after school. Please come fully prepared, your audition will be videotaped! Exam exemption applications are available outside the high school office. Forms must be turned in to the office no later than 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 31. Students - turn in your class election forms by the end of the day to your advisor. COUNSELOR’S CORNER The high school is joining the elementary and the middle schools this year in raising money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Almost every one of us has been affected by cancer in some way. This is a great opportunity for our school to donate to an organization that works towards a cure, and provides support for loved ones who have in the past or are currently dealing with cancer. Please bring in extra change or any type of monetary donation through Wednesday, May 29. We will have a 1st hour class challenge! The high school 1st hour classroom that raises the most money will get a morning juice and doughnut treat on Friday, May 31! Please be a part of the Lake City Area Schools donation to this event. ATHLETICS Track uniforms need to be turned in Tuesday morning before school in coach Nederhood’s room. Please bring them clean and turn them in on time. |
High school girls interested in participating in the volleyball summer camp may pick up a registration
form from the athletic wall pocket outside Ms. Gilson’s door. Registrations are due by May 30.