Friday, September 5, 2014



Friday, September 05, 2014


Students are to use the gravel parking lot to the east of the four doors on the north side of the building or the parking lot on the east side of the building.  Students are NOT to park up against the building. 


ALL STUDENTS – there is a dress code for the high school and you are expected to follow it. 

Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change, or will be sent home. See

page 12 of the student handbook.   


There will be an NHS meeting Tuesday, September 9 at 7:50 a.m. in Mr. Thom’s room.




Schedule change requests will be taken by Mrs. Richardson until 3:20 p.m. today! 



Varsity Football vs Sanford Meridian, home, game starts at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday – Varsity Volleyball @ Manton, invite starts at 9:00 a.m.


Cheer tryouts will be held today from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.  You must have a physical card on file in the athletic office before you try out.  If you have questions see Ms. Gilson during lunch or after school


Thursday, September 4, 2014



Thursday, September 04, 2014


Students are to use the gravel parking lot to the east of the four doors on the north side of the building or the parking lot on the east side of the building.  Students are NOT to park up against the building. 


ALL STUDENTS – there is a dress code for the high school and you are expected to follow it. 

Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change, or will be sent home. See

page 12 of the student handbook.   


Any freshman interested in running for student council, please see Mr. Thom ASAP.




NHS STUDENTS – workers are needed Friday for the Lake City All Alumni Reunion at Timber Wolf Camp.  You will need to be there around 10:00 a.m. to serve and clean up, and will return to the school in the afternoon.  It is always a good time, you get a great meal, and it is really appreciated.

See Mrs. Richardson ASAP to sign up.  This gives you a good start to your service hours for the year!


Schedule change requests will be taken until 3:20 p.m. tomorrow.  If you wish to change your schedule, you will need to look at the master schedule.  Some changes may not be possible as options are very limited and many classes are completely full.  Schedule change forms are located in the office, or outside of Mrs. Richardson’s room, and need to be filled out and returned to the box in the office.  You need to continue to go to the classes you are scheduled in until you get a new schedule from Mrs. Richardson. 



JV/Varsity volleyball @ Brethren with Manistee, bus departs at 4:15 p.m., match starts at 6:00 p.m.


JV Football @ Sanford Meridian, bus departs at 4:00 p.m., game starts at 6:30 p.m.


Cheer tryouts will be held today and tomorrow from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.  You must have a physical card on file in the athletic office before you try out.  If you have questions see Ms. Gilson during lunch or after school


Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Wednesday, September 03, 2014


Students are to use the gravel parking lot to the east of the four doors on the north side of the building or the parking lot on the east side of the building.  Students are NOT to park up against the building. 


ALL STUDENTS – there is a dress code for the high school and you are expected to follow it. 

Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change, or will be sent home. See

page 12 of the student handbook.   


There will be a student council meeting at lunch today in Mrs. VanderBrook's room.




NHS STUDENTS – workers are needed Friday for the Lake City All Alumni Reunion at Timber Wolf Camp.  You will need to be there around 10:00 a.m. to serve and clean up, and will return to the school in the afternoon.  It is always a good time, you get a great meal, and it is really appreciated.

See Mrs. Richardson ASAP to sign up.  This gives you a good start to your service hours for the year!


Schedule change requests will be taken until 3:20 p.m. this Friday.  If you wish to change your schedule, you will need to look at the master schedule.  Some changes may not be possible as options are very limited and many classes are completely full.  Schedule change forms are located in the office, or outside of Mrs. Richardson’s room, and need to be filled out and returned to the box in the office.  You need to continue to go to the classes you are scheduled in until you get a new schedule from Mrs. Richardson. 



Varsity Cross Country @ Manton, bus departs at 3:00 p.m., invite starts at 4:30 p.m.


Cheer tryouts will be held Thursday and Friday, September 4 and 5 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the

cafeteria.  You must have a physical card on file in the athletic office before you try out.  If you have

questions see Ms. Gilson during lunch or after school


Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Tuesday, September 02, 2014


Students are to use the gravel parking lot to the east of the four doors on the north side of the building or the parking lot on the east side of the building.  Students are NOT to park up against the building. 


ALL STUDENTS – there is a dress code for the high school and you are expected to follow it. 

Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change, or will be sent home. See

page 12 of the student handbook.   




Schedule change requests will be taken until 3:20 p.m. this Friday.  If you wish to change your schedule, you will need to look at the master schedule.  Some changes may not be possible as options are very limited and many classes are completely full.  Schedule change forms are located in the office, or outside of Mrs. Richardson’s room, and need to be filled out and returned to the box in the office.  You need to continue to go to the classes you are scheduled in until you get a new schedule from Mrs. Richardson. 



Cheer tryouts will be held Thursday and Friday, September 4 and 5 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the

cafeteria.  You must have a physical card on file in the athletic office before you try out.  If you have

questions see Ms. Gilson during lunch or after school