Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Anyone interested in playing American Legion Summer Baseball please sign up on the sheet posted outside the office.
There will be a quick junior class meeting at 3:10 on Wednesday, 6/3.
See Mr. Yeomans if you are interested in taking Segment 1 Driver’s Education through Baker College and driving a convertible for your student driving. Enrollment forms are available in the pockets outside the high school office.
Future AP English Students: There will be an AP English meeting on Thursday during lunch to receive your first summer assignment and to set the first meeting date. Grab your lunch and meet in Mrs. Phil's room. Please bring your summer calendar dates that you know you will be out of town.
There will be tutoring tonight and Thursday of this week if you need a place to study and need help reviewing.
The Go To Team will be meeting today (Tuesday) during lunch in Room #11. Last meeting of the year!
CTC students – you are able to, and expected to, attend CTC through Thursday. There will be no bus to CTC on Friday, so your last day there will be Thursday. You cannot stay here during your scheduled CTC time. An absence will count toward your grade.
Attention Track Athletes – You must turn your uniform in at Coach Colecchio’s office if you have not already done so.
There will be a boys basketball open gym today (June 2) at the middle school from 3:45-5:30 p.m. If you need to call home about this – do so during your LUNCH BREAK!
All 9th grade girls interested in playing basketball see Mr. Gagnon as soon as possible.
Sports physicals will no longer be offered at Lake City Area Schools. All students planning on participating in athletics for the 2009-2010 school year must provide the athletic department with a completed physical card before practices begin in August. Physical cards are now available – you will find them in the athletic wall pockets. If you have questions see Mr. Peterson or Ms. Gilson.