Friday, March 30, 2012
Mrs. Richardson has a couple of tuxedo coupons for Cadillac Tuxedo. If interested, see her at lunch.
There will be a quick student council meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Vanderbrook’s room.
ALL STUDENTS - we will clean out lockers tomorrow during 5th hour. The schedule is as follows: 9th grade - 12:40-12:50, 10th grade – 12:50-1:00, 11th grade – 1:00-1:10, and 12th grade – 1:10-1:20. All food items MUST be removed from your locker!
After Prom will be held at the high school immediately following Prom. Join us for a night of fun activities and great prizes. Pick up an After Prom contract in the lobby during lunch. All those who attend will receive a t-shirt. To receive the shirt size you request, your contract must be returned no later than 3:30 p.m. on April 9. Any contract received after that date will not be guaranteed the requested shirt size. The absolute last day to turn in your contract is Friday, April 13. This is a free event to all students attending prom. Hope to see you there.
The Kiwanis Honors Banquet is scheduled for Monday, April 23 at 6:00 p.m. Parent tickets are $5.00 each, all other family tickets are $9.00 each. See Ms. Gilson for tickets and let her know if you plan to attend.
The National Honor Society is collecting clothing/shoes for students in need at the middle school. If you have items you would be willing to donate, drop them off in Ms. Bernier’s room.
SENIORS – you must have your $10 for the senior trip to Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins THIS WEEK.
Senior Oscar Night 2012 is Thursday, April 26. If you have an act that you would like to perform, you must apply in writing. Pick up and return an application to Mr. Thom before Tuesday, April 10.
Congratulations to Lukas Ebeling-Rump – our Student of the Week.
Prom tickets are on sale during lunch. Cost is $30.00 per ticket – that includes your picture, a photo keychain, snacks, and drinks. If you are unable to purchase your ticket at noon, see Mrs. McNalley, or Ms. Morse. Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 14 at The Eldorado in Cadillac. If you plan to bring a guest to prom who is not a LCHS student, you must register in the office. Your guest must be under the age of 21 (not older than 20) and have the approval of Mr. Peterson.
¨Success is what you attract by the person you become." - Jim Rohn
SENIORS – be sure to check out the scholarships on the website. Most are due in the next couple of weeks and these are some of the last scholarship opportunities. A couple more were just added!
JUNIORS– if you are interested in retaking the ACT, you need to register online at You will need the score report you just received and will use your ID number on the report to log into your account. Retakes are June, September, October and December. Deadlines to register are about a month before the test date and most dates use Cadillac High School as a test center.