Friday, November 6, 2015



Friday, November 06, 2015


Students, please remember, you are not allowed to leave campus in the morning once you arrive on the bus.  Please also remember to remove your hat once you enter the building. 


This is the last day for any senior (signed up to go on the senior trip) to pick a destination! 


Freshmen – wreath orders are due today to Mrs. Atkins or Mrs. Peterson!


Mrs. Thom will have tutoring today after school from 3:20 to 4:00 p.m.


Thank you lady Trojans for a great volleyball season! 


The sophomore class has done an amazing job so far with the pie sales, but orders and money must be to Mrs. Baron by Monday.  Thank you to all who worked so hard, we have sold over 200 pies!


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                                


Representative from Ferris State and Michigan Tech will be here Thursday, November 12, in the library.  Sign-up sheets are in the office.




The football banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17.


JV girls will start practice Monday from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at the High School.  All varsity girls will start practice Tuesday 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the High School.  Girls must have a physical on file with the school to participate in practice.



Thursday, November 5, 2015



Thursday, November 05, 2015


Congratulations to the Student of the Week - Makayla Cunningham.


Students, please remember, you are not allowed to leave campus in the morning once you arrive on the bus.  Please also remember to remove your hat once you enter the building. 


Any senior signed up to go on the senior trip needs to stop and pick a destination with Mrs. Clous or Mr. Bongard by tomorrow!  Any questions, ask an officer or one of your advisors. 


Freshmen – continue to sell those wreaths!  Orders and money are due tomorrow!


Mrs. Thom will have tutoring Friday after school from 3:20 to 4:00 p.m.


Algebra tutoring is scheduled today after school in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                                


Seniors – the Mason’s Scholarship applications are due next Wednesday. 




If we have enough people sign up, there will be a spec bus tonight.  The cost is $3 and the bus will leave at 6:00 p.m.  Please sign up in the office if you plan on going.


Varsity Volleyball vs McBain at Evart, bus departs at 5:15, districts start at 7:00 p.m. Go Trojans!


The cross country banquet is tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.


The football banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17.


If you are a fall athlete, check in with Mr. Vasicek about your athletic locker. If you make a winter sport you may keep your locker.  If you are not playing a winter sport, you will have to vacate your locker.



Wednesday, November 4, 2015



Wednesday, November 04, 2015



Congratulations to the Student of the Week - Makayla Cunningham.


Any senior signed up to go on the senior trip needs to stop and pick a destination with Mrs. Clous or Mr. Bongard THIS WEEK by FRIDAY.  Any questions, ask an officer or one of your advisors.  Thank you in advance.


Freshmen – continue to sell those wreaths!  We will collect the order and money by this FRIDAY!


Sophomores - turn in your pie fundraiser order sheet (and money) in to Mrs. Baron today.


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                                


Seniors – the Mason’s Scholarship applications are due a week from today.  None have been submitted so far!  This is an opportunity for 2 scholarships, which equal free money for college!





Varsity Volley Ball at Evart, bus leaves at 5:30 p.m., districts start at 8:00 p.m.


We will have a spec bus tomorrow, Thursday, to watch the Lake City Varsity Volleyball team.

Cost of the bus will be $3 – we need a minimum of 30 people to sign up.


The cross country banquet will be this Thursday, November 5.


The football banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17.


If you are a fall athlete, check in with Mr. Vasicek about your athletic locker. If you make a winter sport you may keep your locker.  If you are not playing a winter sport, you will have to vacate your locker.


The following students have missing football equipment: Jacob Shivlie, Ethan Wetzel, and Devin Root

Please turn your equipment into the athletic office.



Tuesday, November 3, 2015



Tuesday, November 03, 2015



Congratulations to the Student of the Week - Makayla Cunningham.


Biology tutoring is scheduled today after school in Mrs. Clous’ room.


Algebra tutoring is scheduled today after school in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.


Sophomores - remember to turn your pie fundraiser order sheet (and money) in to Mrs. Baron either today or tomorrow, so the pies will be ordered in time for Thanksgiving.  Thank you!


Students – there are new parking guidelines.  Until further notice you are to park your vehicles on the east side of the parking lot, east of the double entrance by Mrs. Thom’s room.  The traffic flow at the end of the day is the primary purpose for this.  Failure to comply with this will result in suspension of driving privileges.  


Go To Team – this is a very important message.  We are planning our run through assembly on tomorrow at 9:45 a.m.  Please be there completely prepared to share what your group is presenting.


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                               






Congratulations to the Lake City volleyball team for beating Manton in 3 games last night!  They will play again on Wednesday, November 4 against the Evart Wildcats at 7:00 p.m.


The cross country banquet will be this Thursday, November 5.


The football banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17.


If you are a fall athlete, check in with Mr. Vasicek about your athletic locker. If you make a winter sport you may keep your locker.  If you are not playing a winter sport, you will have to vacate your locker.