Friday, May 29, 2009
Exam exemption forms are available in the pockets outside the office. Forms are due by 3:30 today, 5/29. Do not wait until the last minute. Late forms will not be accepted.
Anyone interested in playing American Legion Summer Baseball please sign up on the sheet posted outside the office.
This is a reminder that all students need to turn in their class officer and student council applications by today at 3:30pm to Mrs. VanderBrook.
Students in the Health & Wellness Committee meet in the library at 3:05.
There will be tutoring both Tuesday and Thursday of next week if you need a place to study and need help reviewing.
Congratulations to this week’s “Student of the Week” – Lynn Meyer
All boys interested in playing JV basketball, meet in Mr. Fossitt's classroom at 11:55 on today. We will discuss open gyms and team camp.
There will be a meeting today, May 29 for girls wanting to play JV & Varsity basketball during lunch in
Mr. Gagnon’s room.
Saturday, May 30
Varsity Baseball Districts – Away – Evart – 10:00 – Bus departs 8:00am
Varsity Softball Districts – Away – Evart – 12:00 – Bus departs 8:00am
Sports physicals will no longer be offered at Lake City Area Schools. All students planning on participating in athletics for the 2009-2010 school year must provide the athletic department with a completed physical card before practices begin in August. Physical cards are now available – you will find them in the
athletic wall pockets. If you have questions see Mr. Peterson or Ms Gilson.
There will NOT be an open gym this Sunday – If you need a summer schedule see Coach Hinkston. Also for High School girls interested in playing volleyball in the fall please see Coach Hinkston to officially sign up.
If you plan to attend graduation please remember the following rules of etiquette:
v This is a formal ceremony, so jeans, t-shirts and shorts are not appropriate attire. Hats are not appropriate, either.
v Yelling, howling and other loud noises do not belong at this ceremony…even if you hear others doing it!
v You should find a seat when you arrive at the gym and stay seated until it is time to leave once the ceremony has finished. Do not move from your seat during the ceremony—even if you see others moving.
v You should not talk during the ceremony and should only clap at appropriate times. Again, you should not yell, whistle, or howl.
v If someone around you is being rude or disrespectful, please try to gently remind them to be quiet.
Thank you for your cooperation. I will appreciate your help in following these guidelines.
Mrs. Baase