Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Freshman – Remember to be selling those pies!
Sophomores -- Remember to collect money as people are ordering their fruit. All money needs to be turned in with your order on November 7th. Checks can be made payable to Lake City Area Schools.
For those high school students that were unable to get their picture retaken or taken for the 1st time today, you have another chance this Thursday, 10/30. If interested see Mrs. Hose in the office.
“Challenge of the Week” is “Thank a teacher or other adult for making a difference in your life.”
The following college representatives are scheduled to visit LCHS: Mid Michigan College – Tuesday, 10/28. Sign up in the office if you are interested in seeing them.
Freshman Volleyball – Away –
JV & Varsity Volleyball – Away –
Sign up for boys basketball grades 9-12 will be today, Tuesday, 10/28 at 12:15 in the auditorium.
Attention all boys (grades 9-12) interested in playing baseball this spring – there will be a 20 minute meeting in the library, Thursday, 10/30 after school.
The athletic department has new Lake City Trojan lanyards for sale. Cost is $3.00 or two for $5.00. See Mr. Peterson or Ms Gilson.