Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Wednesday, October 01, 2008



Freshman Class Officers – Meet with Mrs. Peterson on Thursday, 10/2 at lunch time in her classroom.  Bring your lunch with you.


Freshman Class – Remember your dues are $5.00.  Pay Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins.


Freshmen needed to sell 50/50 tickets at the Marion Varsity Football game.  If we can get 8 of you, we can split the time to have only each of you sell for about 30 minutes.  See Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins to sign up.


Junior Class – Your Yankee Candle orders are due.  Turn them in to Mrs. Getty at lunch or before school.  You may also turn them in at the high school office 




The “Challenge of the Week” is “Compliment at least 3 people at school this week.”


Sophomores and Juniors – The PSAT will be given here at school on the morning of Wednesday, October 15.  This is a practice SAT test and also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship if you take it as a Junior.  The cost to take the test is $13.  This needs to be paid to the office by the day of the test.  Make checks payable to Lake City High School.  There is a sign-up sheet in the office and you need to sign up by October 1.  See Mrs. Richardson if you have any questions. 




Volleyball practice for tonight is as follows:

            Freshmen will not be practicing

            JV will start at 4:00

            Varsity will start at 4:30




Things were a little relaxed during homecoming week, but now the dress code is back in force.  If you are wearing inappropriate clothing you will be asked to change.