Forensic team update:
The forensic team is off to a good start this season. The team finished in 5th place at both the Birch Run and Beaverton tournaments over the past two weekends. The following team members came home with some hardware at the Birch Run tournament: Landon Griffith 2nd in sales; Carrie Polega and Courtney Baum 3rd in duo open; Rachel Rosekrans and Alex Langmesser 2nd in duo 9/10; and the multiple, The American Car, consisting of: Brooke Rosekrans, Rachel Gaylord, Kathy Handon, Sam Snyder, Jared Wright, and Ethan Hinkston, placed 2nd. At the Beaverton tournament the following team members placed in the final round: Danielle Peer placed 6th in sales; Sam Wilton placed 6th in informative 9/10; Jake VanDuinen placed 3rd in storytelling; Rachel Rosekrans and Alex Langmesser placed 2nd in duo 9/10; and the multiple The American Car placed 4th. Be sure to wish the forensic team members good luck as they prepare for their 3rd tournament of the season. The team will be traveling to Frankenmuth for an invitational Saturday.