Monday, March 23, 2009
Seniors – If you ordered a hoodie you can pick it up from Mr. Bongard in his room after school today. If you ordered a T-shirt you can pick it up in Mr. Bongard’s room starting at lunch.
Yearbooks are on sale for the cost of $35 until March 27. From April 6 to the 10 the book will increase in price to $40. If you fail to order one during this time period, the book will cost $45 in the fall due to limited availability. You can pay $20 now, and the remaining portion by May 15. You can purchase the book directly from a yearbook student or Mrs. Atkins. Checks need to be made out to LC Yearbook. Another way to purchase this yearbook will be through our school website. You or your parents will be able to link directly to the Josten's website to purchase the book using a credit card. Finally, we have a widget on the school website for you to see a large number of pictures that will be in the book.
Challenge of the Week - Be the Change that you want to see in your world!
To all those who attended Challenge Day - if you would like to send Devon and Vinny a little note about your Challenge Day experience, or want to send a note to Mrs. Richardson w/ comments and/or suggestions, there is a box in the office that you can turn these things in to. Mrs. Richardson will put them all together and send them on to them during Spring Break. We will have a meeting after Spring Break for all those who signed the paper for the Team. Start gathering ideas and suggestions about where we want to go w/ this! Be the Change!!!
If you are interested in being a police officer, are physically fit, and can be a team member, there is a Student Trooper Program held in the summer for one week, put on by the MI State Police. Let Mrs. Richardson know if you are interested in dedicating a week of your summer to learn more about the State Police.
The Rotary Club of Cadillac is offering five $1000 scholarships to area seniors who have been accepted into a postsecondary educational program, and who can demonstrate accomplishments in school areas, community leadership, and/or challenges faced and overcome. Applications are available in Mrs. Richardson’s office and are due by April 15.
Michigan State’s College of Veterinary Medicine is having their Annual Open House on Saturday, April 18 from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit www.vetavisit.com for info.