Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Tuesday, March 03, 2009



The forensic team will perform at Baked Beans on Friday, March 13 from 7-9:00 p.m.  We are asking for donations to help send the team to a large tournament at Walled Lake Western High School.  Please come out, have a cup of coffee, donate to a good cause, and have a latte fun!


Sophomores:  Our last 50/50 raffle will be at this Thursday's basketball game.  Please see Ms. Bernier or

Mrs. Phillips by Thursday if you can help out.


Juniors: don’t forget the baked goods raffle today.  If you signed up to bring in baked goods, drop them off in Mrs. Colecchio’s office.


Anyone planning on going on the senior trip – there will be a mandatory meeting in Mr. Bongard’s room during lunch on Tuesday, March 3.  Mrs. Baase needs to know how many students are going.  Afternoon CTC students need to stop and talk to Mr. Bongard to get trip information.


Student Council – you have a meeting this Wednesday at 7:40 a.m.  We will be taking the group picture and discussing spirit trip and senior oscar night. 


YAK members please meet in the high school library today at 11: 50 to have a group picture taken.


Juniors – pick up your candle order today after school in the lobby.



Challenge – Take 100% responsibility for every choice you make.


Please remember to turn in Challenge Day permission slips to Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Peterson, or the high school office ASAP!  Space is limited!


The Rotary Club of Cadillac is offering five $1000 scholarships to area seniors who have been accepted into a postsecondary educational program, and who can demonstrate accomplishments in school areas, community leadership, and/or challenges faced and overcome.  Applications are available in Mrs. Richardson’s office and are due by April 15.


SENIORS – there is a list of several scholarships that are available. Stop in Mrs. Richardson’s office to get the information.  You can then pick up the applications that you want.  Most are due by April, so get going on them now!!!


Current 11th graders in CTC – if you are planning to return to CTC next year, you are already signed up but still need to turn in a form.  They are located in the wall pockets outside Mrs. Richardson’s office.  Fill them out and return them to Mrs. Richardson ASAP.


Reminder to all students – tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room #11 from 3:30 – 4:30.




JV and Varsity Boys Basketball – LC vs Beal City – Home – 6:00 p.m.


The golf team will be holding first practice on Monday, March 9 after school in Mr. Bongard’s room.



Congratulations to this week’s Student of the Week – Jacque Beck