Friday, May 22, 2009


Friday, May 22, 2009



Seniors - 1) Baccalaureate is this Sunday, May 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium.  Meet in the cafeteria at 2:45 p.m.     You will need to wear your cap and gown.  Families, staff, and community members are invited to attend. 

2) If you would like your baby pictures back from the yearbook, see Hayley Mund.  3) Senior trip takers – Mr. Bongard needs your release form today.  He has extra copies in his room if you need one.


Juniors – You have a class meeting Tuesday, May 26 at 2:50 in the auditorium.  Please bring your class dues if yours are not paid up to date.


Student Council shirts are in!  You can pick yours up from Mrs. Richardson if you have paid for it.  If you did not order one and would still like to, see Mrs. Richardson TODAY.  They are $10.


The Cadillac Footliters Junior Players is putting on a Summer Drama Camp.  It will be held the week of June 22nd at the Cadillac Dance Center on 13th St.  There are registration forms outside of Mrs. Richardson’s office.




Challenge of the Week - Take time this week to look in the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and appreciate yourself for at least 5 things!


Seniors who are attending Michigan State next fall, see Mrs. Richardson right away for a local scholarship application!




Congratulations to this week’s “Student of the Week” – Clarissa Montague




There will be a short meeting today, Friday, 5/22 at 12:10 in the gym for all boys interested in summer basketball activities, camps, open gyms, etc.


Varsity Baseball & Softball – Home – Suttons Bay – 4:30


The JV baseball game scheduled for May 22 with Suttons Bay has been cancelled.  JV baseball players turn in your uniforms on Friday, May 22.  Meet coach in the gym during lunch.


Attention Track athletes – Turn your uniforms in Tuesday morning, May 26 at Coach Colecchio’s office.


Those girls interested in the cheer team – try-outs will be held Wednesday and Thursday (after Memorial Day), May 27 & 28 in the high school cafeteria.  Come dressed in appropriate practice clothes.  Try-outs will begin at 3:45pm and end at 5:15pm.