Monday, September 21, 2009



Monday, September 21, 2009




FROM THE PRINCIPAL:  students who ride a bike or skateboard to school must walk their bike or board off school property before riding after school.  Riding on school property after school has caused some safety issues with the elementary students. 


FRESHMEN – float tear-down will take place at Renie Horan’s house today at 4:00 p.m.  Great job on your Trojan spirit!


JUNIORS – Little Caesars Pizza & Cookie Dough sales begin this week and run through October 6.  If you don’t have Mrs. Phillips for English class, please stop by for a sales packet.  Again, orders and money are due on October 6.


School pictures will be taken Wednesday, September 23. 


JUNIOR AND SENIORS – if you are interested in a Marine ROTC scholarship, a representative will be here today at 11:30 a.m.  Please sign up in the office.


The Varsity Club is now accepting applications for membership.  Applications are in the athletic wall pocket and are due to Mr. Joe by Friday, September 25.  Please see Ms. Gilson or Mr. Joe if you have questions.














9th grade volleyball, home with Cadillac – 4:30 p.m.