Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mrs. Peterson’s 1st hour students – see her TODAY to get the notes and assignment you missed when you were having your picture taken.
Anyone interested in forming a wrestling team please sign up in the office. We will need your name and weight.
NHSers – we will have a quick meeting during lunch on Thursday in Mrs. Phillips’ room at 12:20. Attendance will be taken.
SOPHOMORES – class officers need to meet in Mrs. Peterson’s room at 12:15 today during lunch.
There will be a meeting during lunch today for student council officers and the student council decorating committee. Meet in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.
FRESHMEN – your dues need to be paid! Elections are coming up. You MUST have your dues paid in order to run for an office. Get them in by the end of this week. Ms Morse or Mrs. McNalley will take dues until a treasurer can be elected. Again, GREAT job last week.
JUNIORS – Little Caesars Pizza & Cookie Dough sales begin this week and run through October 6. If you don’t have Mrs. Phillips for English class, please stop by for a sales packet. Again, orders and money are due on October 6.
SENIORS – Yankee Candle sales begin today. If you did not get a sale packet, see Mrs. Getty in the lobby after school today. Don’t forget to pay your class dues.
The Varsity Club is now accepting applications for membership. Applications are in the athletic wall pocket and are due to Mr. Joe by Friday, September 25. Please see Ms. Gilson or Mr. Joe if you have questions.