Monday, September 13, 2010


Monday, September 13, 2010




NHSers - our first meeting of the year will be Tuesday, September 14 at 7:54 a.m.

Any student who uses a lock on their locker needs to furnish the office with a key or the combination.   If the office is not provided this information the lock will be removed by the school.


GO TO TEAM – there is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 15 during lunch in

Mrs. Peterson’s room.  Don’t forget your $100 in fundraising due October 1.










Athletes – your sports pictures are scheduled for today, September 13.

Volleyball will be in the gym.  Football, cross country, and cheer will be

at the athletic complex. You are to change into your uniform and get to your picture location

as quickly as possible.


Varsity Club- there will be a meeting in the auditorium at noon today.