Tuesday, September 21, 2010
FRESHAN – there will be a freshman class meeting in the shop at the beginning of fifth hour tomorrow. You must check in with your teacher first for attendance and then go directly to shop.
FRESHMAN – the results of your election are as follows:
President – Matt Grieb
Vice President – Nikke West
Secretary – Alyssa DuVall
Treasurer – Monica Smith
Student council reps are Sarah Siler, Tyler Bergey, and Matt Grieb.
JUNIORS – the following information is important! Float building will take place this Friday from 5:00-8:00 p.m., Saturday from 10-4 and Sunday after 1:00 (only if we haven’t finished). Come and help whenever you can so we can win this again! We will have food and lots of FUN! In addition, we will do a can/bottle drive during and at our float meetings. Collect cans before the float meeting and bring them with you. We will have some of you work on can returns at the meetings. The meetings will be at Megan Atkins barn again this year. Finally, don’t forget to dress up for spirit days next week as this is how our class will win the spirit trip again!
JUNIORS: Class dues need to be paid! END OF STORY!!
NHS members - there will be an NHS meeting in Ms. Bernier’s room tomorrow morning at 7:55 a.m. Attendance will be taken so please be on time. See Ms. Bernier if you are not going to be able to make it.
NHS applicants - this is a reminder that your applications are due to Ms. Bernier by 8:15 a.m. this Thursday. If you have any questions, feel free to stop in and ask.
SENIORS - pizza orders are due today. Please collect money as you sell. We cannot place unpaid orders. Remember that funds go toward your senior trip.
School pictures will be taken tomorrow. Students will be dismissed in small groups throughout the morning. Morning CTC students – you need to go directly to the band room and have your picture taken before you get on the bus.
Varsity Cross Country at Marion, 4:30 p.m., dismissal at 2:30, bus leaves at 2:45.
JV/Varsity Volleyball at Evart, 6:00 p.m.