Tuesday, November 16, 2010
SENIORS – please turn your clothing order forms and payment in to Ms. Bernier or Mrs. Phillips by the end of the day Wednesday. If you are unable to do this, please see one of them a.s.a.p.
The student council canned-food drive has begun, and this year it is for spirit points! The amount your class donates will decide how many spirit points your class gets. For example, if the freshman donate 72% of the total food donated, they will receive 72 spirit points. This could have a huge impact on the current standings in the race to the spirit trip this spring. Bring in your donations through next Monday to your class advisor’s room.
SENIORS – the time has come to turn in your senior picture, baby picture, and quote. All items are due to Danie Baldwin, Jimmy Hollars, or Mrs. Atkins by December 20. If you do not turn in a senior picture, your Lifetouch photo will be used. Questions? See Mrs. Atkins.
SENIORS - if you are planning to go on the senior trip, it is necessary that you pay your class dues before the end of the semester. Please see Seth McGiness, Ms. Bernier, or Mrs. Phillips to see what you owe. Get paid up before the Christmas crunch.
A silver ring with a pink stone has been lost. It has sentimental value to the owner. If you find this ring please turn it in to the office. There is a potential cash reward.
Tryouts for the winter cheer team begin today from 4-5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. You must have a physical on file in the athletic office before tryouts. Come dressed to participate. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Vokes at the middle school.