Friday, January 28, 2011



Friday, January 28, 2011

Chill-out week begins Monday! The spirit days are as follows:


Monday – PJ Day

Tuesday – Camo/Hunting Day

Wednesday – Mis-match Day

Thursday – Class Color Day ~ Freshmen wear yellow, Sophomores green, Juniors pink, Seniors orange,

and teachers wear blue.

Friday is Red-Pride Friday. Everyone wear Red, Black and White.


Congratulations to the senior class on winning this year's spirit trip. Due to their overwhelming performance during homecoming week and in the canned-food drive it is mathematically impossible for them to lose. However, any senior still hoping to go on the spirit trip must check in with Mr. Thom at some point each day next week to be counted.


There is an 8th grade student looking for a math tutor.  If you are interested, see Ms. Bernier ASAP.


NHSers - there is a service hour opportunity for typing handwritten documents.  See Ms. Bernier for more information as soon as possible.


This is your last chance to buy a 2011 yearbook!  The cost is $35, payable to Lake City High School. 

The yearbook will be delivered before the end of the year.  You must order now, as you will not be able to purchase one later.  The deadline is February 28.  You can also purchase the book on-line at   If you would like to make payment arrangements or have questions, please see Mrs. Atkins.


There will be a dance in the cafeteria after the basketball game tonight until 11:00 p.m. 

Cost is $2.00 per person.  The concession stand will be open – you can purchase pizza for $1.00. 

This dance is sponsored by the LCAS Athletic Boosters.  Support the boosters – they support you!


Juniors - we have the opportunity to do the 50/50 raffle at the home basketball games Friday, February 11 and Thursday, February 24.  Please see Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins if you would be willing to help.   


There will be a Challenge Day fundraiser for Lake City Schools this Saturday, January 29 at the Eagles building on M-55. Potluck dinner is at 5:30 p.m.  Cost is donation. There will be karaoke, a silent auction and entertainment by Martin Hutchinson at 7:00 p.m.  Doors open at 4:00 p.m.  Come support a great cause, get a great meal, and have some fun.  Everyone is welcome!


Mock Rock is February 5 with time yet to be determined.  A dance will follow Mock Rock until 11:15 p.m.  Admission to Mock Rock is $4.00 and $3.00 to the dance. No advance sales.  Any questions see Mr. Thom or Mrs. VanderBrook.


Seniors - we are selling Little Caesar pizza kits and cookie dough to raise money for the senior trip.  You need to try to sell at least 10 items.  Please remember to collect the check or money at the time of the order. 

Money and orders are due on February 4.  See Ms. Bernier or Mrs. Phillips to pick up an order form.





There will be Careers for Women seminar on Tuesday, February 8, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Fox Hill Event Center in Cadillac.  There will be speakers from different career areas and lunch will be provided.  This is open to any sophomore or junior girl.  If you are interested in attending, sign up on the sheet in the office.


Best Buy is offering 1200 scholarships of $1000 each to students in 9th – 12th grades.  Students need

solid grades plus community service or work experience.  Apply online at or by February 16th!





Boys Freshman basketball vs Chippewa Hills, home, 4:15 p.m.

Girls JV/Varsity basketball vs McBain, home, 6:00 p.m.