Monday, January 10, 2011



Monday, January 10, 2011



Seniors – there will be a short meeting for all seniors planning on attending the senior trip this Wednesday, Jan 12 at 3:00 p.m. in Ms. Bernier's room.  If you plan on going on the senior trip you MUST have your dues paid in full by this Friday, January 14.  See Ms. Bernier or Mrs. Phillips if you have any questions.


Seniors – you are now able to start completing the FAFSA online.  Get on and get your PIN and start filling it out.  You can save all the information and once taxes are done, you can go back in and complete it.  Remember – the deadline is March 1st.


Mock Rock is coming! This year it will be on Saturday, February 5, so get your act together and start getting your act together. Application forms will be available in the office beginning Wednesday, and are due to Mrs. Vanderbrook or Mr. Thom by Thursday, January 27.  


Juniors and Seniors – counselor applications for Camp Rotary are in the office.  You may pick them up during lunch or before or after school.  Applications must be returned to the office by January 28.




Don't forget, local scholarship applications are due to Mrs. Richardson by January 20th!