Monday, January 24, 2011
Congratulations to Cecelia Pickford and Skyler Otberg for both taking first place at the HOSA state wide competition through CTC!
Mock Rock is February 5 with time yet to be determined. Don't be that person who has to hear about it from someone else! A dance will follow Mock Rock until 11:15 p.m. Admission to Mock Rock is $4.00 and $3.00 to the dance, or attend both for the special price of $7.00. No advance sales.
The Mock Rock committee will have a short meeting today in Mrs. Vanderbrook's room at lunch.
NHSers: There will be an NHS meeting in Ms. Bernier's room on Wednesday morning at 7:51 a.m. Please bring your planners and be on time. Please also remember The Conservation District's dinner at Timberwolf is tonight. You need to be at Timberwolf by 4:30. Please wear a white shirt and black pants (or jeans without holes).
Seniors - we are selling Little Caesar pizza kits and cookie dough to raise money for the senior trip. You need to try to sell at least 10 items. Please remember to collect the check or money at the time of the order. Money and orders are due on February 4. See Ms. Bernier or Mrs. Phillips to pick up an order form.
Juniors and Seniors – counselor applications for Camp Rotary are in the office. You may pick them up during lunch or before or after school. Applications must be returned to the office by Friday.
Mobile Dentist will be here Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22. If you wish to have your teeth cleaned please pick up a Mobile Dentist form located in the wall pocket outside the office. When the form is completed please return it to the office by Friday, February 11. Even if you filled out a form for the fall cleaning you still need to complete another form to see the Mobile Dentist this spring.
There will be Careers for Women seminar on Tuesday, February 8, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Fox Hill Event Center in Cadillac. There will be speakers from different career areas and lunch will be provided. This is open to any sophomore or junior girl. If you are interested in attending, sign up on the sheet in the office.