Monday, May 23, 2011



Monday, May 23, 2011



NHSers - there will be a meeting Tuesday morning at 7:50 a.m. in Ms. Bernier's room. 


Exam exemption applications are available outside the office and due back by Friday, May 27.  If you qualify for an exam exemption due to your Act or PLA test score, you do not need to fill out an  application but do need to stop in the office to request the exam exemption.


The Library will be closing this Friday, May 27. Please make sure you have all library books turned into the library by this Friday.


Congratulations to our student of the week – Anne DeForge.


Student folders will be deleted at the end of the year as they are every year.  If you need to save any files please see Mr. Thom or Mr. Thompson.