Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Tuesday, May 31, 2011


There will be a Paperclip Encore Night for the forensics team tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium.


Class meetings will take place during 5th hour for elections today.  All students running for an office will give a short speech as to why students should vote for them. 


STUDENTS – you will not be able to exempt from a final exam unless ALL FINES ARE PAID.  This includes library, lunch, damaged textbooks, etc.  Make sure you talk to Mrs. Baron, Mr. Homan, and your teachers about this.


Congratulations to our student of the week – Paige Davis.


Starting today the weight room will be closed after school.




There is an opportunity to make up credits for classes that you haven't passed, in the core subject areas, during summer school.  It will be every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for three weeks starting June 7, and 3 hours per subject.  There is no cost!  If you are in need of making up core classes, see Mrs. Richardson ASAP to sign up.




There will be a meeting right after school today for fall cheer.  The meeting will take place at the middle school with Mrs. Vokes. 


All track athletes meet in the elementary library at noon today for a quick meeting to turn in your track uniforms.


There will be a short meeting during lunch today for all girls interested in participating in volleyball next year.  Eat quickly and then meet in the auditorium at 12:10. 


Wednesday there will be a cross country meeting during lunch in Mr. Webb's room.


Varsity baseball and softball @ Evart, dismissal time 2:00 p.m., bus departs at 2:15 p.m., softball starts at 4:00 p.m., baseball starts at 6:00 p.m.


Varsity golf @ Reed City, dismissal time 2:15 p.m., van departs at 2:30 p.m., match starts at

4:00 p.m.