Monday, September 12, 2011


Monday, September 12, 2011



Seniors – if you plan to go on your senior trip and would like to help decide where we will go, you need to have your dues paid up at least through junior year.  There will be a meeting in

Mrs. Peterson's room at lunch Thursday to discuss, and hopefully decide, on our destination. 

If you are not sure if your dues are paid, see Mrs. Peterson.


Senior class officers – we will meet at lunch in Mrs. Peterson's room tomorrow.  We have a lot

to discuss.  Bring your lunch.


Freshman may purchase middle school yearbooks in the office for $13.00.


Ticket takers are needed for the volleyball game tomorrow and the football game on Thursday.  Please see Mrs. Peterson ASAP if you can help.


Mobile dentist will be here Tuesday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 21.  Forms are available outside the office.


Lifetouch school pictures will take place on Wednesday, September 21.