Thursday, October 13, 2011


Thursday, October 13, 2011


YAC-sters - if you would like to attend Sunday’s YAC conference at Baker from 2-6 p.m., please see

Ms. Morse today to let her know. If you do not sign up, you will not be able to attend. We will figure out carpooling details Friday.


Seniors – Jostens will be here on Tuesday, October 18, during lunch in the auditorium to take orders for your graduation cap, gown, and invitations.  Please bring your $50.00 deposit along with your order form.  Extra information packets are in the office.


Attention students - looking for a way to get more spirit points? Tomorrow will be a Blue & Yellow and Green & White day in honor of the “Big Game” Saturday at noon. Choose a side and check in at the beginning of lunch.


The next student council meeting is next Wednesday, October 19 during lunch.


Congratulations to the student of the week – Sam Wilton.


Math tutoring today will be with Mrs. VanderBrook.


We will be taking orders for playoff shirts through noon tomorrow.  Short sleeved tees are $10.00, long sleeved tees are $15.00, and hoodies are $25.00.  Order forms are in the athletic wall pocket. 

If you have questions contact the high school office.


TROJAN TAILGATE!  The Lake City Boosters will sponsor a pig roast before the varsity football game tomorrow from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the athletic complex.  The meal is catered by Ebels and will feature pork, baked beans, potato salad and a beverage.  Cost is $5.00 dollars per person or $20.00 dollars per family.  All money raised from this event goes to the LCAS athletic program.   

The library requests that students do not take their pictures off the display in the hallway until tomorrow. 


Baker College segment 1 driver’s training will begin the end of this month.  Applications are outside the office or you may contact Mr. Yeoman’s during lunch for drivers training in the new Camaro. 




Grand Valley State University and Sienna Heights College will all be here this morning. 




JV football @ Manton, bus departs at 4:45 p.m., game starts at 6:30 p.m.


ATHLETES – your trash bag orders will be delivered this Friday, October 14.  Please make arrangements to pick up your orders after school.  Someone will be at the concession stand to

assist you.  Remember - you will not be able to take your orders on the school bus.