Monday, November 28, 2011



Monday, November 28, 2011


If anyone is interested in selling raffle tickets during the JV and Varsity basketball game tomorrow please see Mr. Fossitt.


Sophomores – there is a class officers meeting in Mr. Bongard’s room during lunch today.


Seniors – pie orders and money are due this Friday!  Any senior going on the senior trip that did not get a pie fundraiser form, stop by Mrs. Peterson’s room to get one. 


Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Jared Hansen.


Sophomores - you have a can drive fundraiser this Saturday starting at 10:00 in the morning. 


Math tutoring this Thursday is with Mr. Bongard.




Go To Team members, get your LEAD Conference slips in to Mrs. Richardson.  They are due by Thursday!  There are still slots open.


We are looking for students to volunteer and help work the Trojan Food Zone, at the concession stand in the back, for an hour after school Mondays through Fridays.  This is a great volunteer opportunity for NHSers or YACsters or someone just wanting to hang out and help.  If you are interested in doing a day, or a few, see Mrs. Richardson!


Northern Michigan University will be here on November 29 and Michigan Tech on November 30.  There is a sign up sheet in the office.  Please sign up before or after school or during lunch.





Boys JV/Varsity Basketball – Kingsley High School Scrimmage @ Kingsley, scrimmage starts at

5:30 p.m.


BOYS BASKETBALL – your bus to the Kingsley scrimmage leaves at 4:25 p.m.

Coach wants you to eat before the bus leaves.