Thursday, November 03, 2011
Seniors – entire class meeting right after school in Mrs. Peterson’s room. If you ride a bus, please see Mrs. Atkins or Mrs. Peterson. We will be voting for class song, motto, shirt and flower. Bus riders can vote earlier in the day.
Picture retakes will take place next Tuesday, November 8, from 11:30-2:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Paige Davis.
There are only a few days left to sign up for driver’s training through Baker College. If you are interested please contact Mr. Yeomans a.s.a.p.!
LCHS Go To Team – we have an event to plan that is less than two weeks away! Everyone needs to sign up, posters need to go up, commercial needs to be done. Let’s get working!
There will be a meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Peterson’s room for all members to finish planning. If you cannot be there, you must let Mrs. Richardson or Mrs. Peterson know.
Seniors – many scholarships have been added to the website, please be sure to check the Scholarship and Financial Aid link under “For Students” on a regular basis! The Mason’s local scholarship is due next week. They give two $500 scholarships to Lake City seniors only!
Cheer team try-outs will be held Monday, November 14, Wednesday, November 16 and Thursday, November 17. Try-outs will be held in the high school cafeteria from 4 to 5:30 pm. Come ready to practice. You must have a physical on file before you will be allowed to participate.
There will be a girls’ basketball meeting in Mr. Prielipp’s room tomorrow at lunch.
If you missed the shoe sizing with Mr. Parker, it is not too late to place an order. You do not have to pay when giving your shoe size. See Ms. Gilson by the end of the day.