Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Seniors – pie orders and money are due December 3! Any senior going on the senior trip that did not get a pie fundraiser form, stop by Mrs. Peterson’s room to get one.
Senior NHSers – please stop in Ms. Bernier’s room at your earliest convenience to sign up for an NHS shirt size and to sign the template for the back design.
Juniors – there will be a class meeting tomorrow at the end of 3rd hour in Ms. Morse’s room.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – David Mund.
Students who drive to school must drive in the designated areas of the parking lot. If students continue to drive on undesignated areas of school property, driving privileges may be taken away.
Sophomores - you will be having a can drive fundraiser on Saturday, December 3. Talk to family and friends about saving returnables for the Class of 2012. We will start at 10:00 in the morning.
Keep your ears tuned to announcements next week for more information.
There will be no math tutoring this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
There will be a representative from the Air Force in the lobby during lunch tomorrow.