Thursday, December 15, 2011
Any senior who sold pies – the pies will be here tomorrow. Please pick them up from Mrs. Peterson’s room after school or just before you get on the bus.
ALL SENIORS – we will be placing the order for diplomas soon. If you have not already done this you must stop by Ms. Gilson’s door at noon today to sign off on your name.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Josh Anderson.
The junior fundraiser money is due tomorrow. Please turn the money in to Ms. Morse or
Mrs. McNalley.
The yearbook class is creating a page for out of school sports. If you participate in a non-school sport and have a picture of yourself participating in it, please give your picture to either Jimmy Hollars or Mrs. Atkins by tomorrow.
The yearbook is on sale until January 23. The cost for the book is $35 or $40 for a personalized one with your name across the front. You may make a deposit of $20 to reserve a copy. An example of the personalized book is in Mrs. Atkins’ window. You may also order online at Have checks made out to Lake City Yearbook, and submit to
Mrs. Atkins. Remember, we WILL NOT be ordering any extra yearbooks.
Math tutoring today will be with Mr. Prielipp.
The Go To meeting for today has been postponed until next week. A new time will be on the announcements soon
Seniors – if you or your parents were not able to attend Financial Aid Night last week, stop in
Mrs. Richardson’s office to pick up a folder with the information
ATTENTION VOLLEYBALL AND FOOTBALL athletes that received a plaque award at your awards banquet – we have corrected name plates, so please bring in your award and we will replace the incorrect one.
CABERFAE PEAKS red cards are here. Good for discounts on lift tickets and ski rentals. Cost is $1.00 and the card is good all season. See Ms. Gilson to purchase.