Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 02, 2012
Baker College of Cadillac will be starting their Segment 1 driver’s education soon.  Applications are located in the wall pocket outside the office or you may contact Mr. Yeoman’s during lunch.
AFTERNOON CTC STUDENTS – you may sign out of school after testing has been completed on Tuesday, March 6.  You may go home or go to CTC.  There will be no busses going to CTC on Tuesday.  As usual, you must have a note from home, or a parent must call the high school office before signing out.  The note must state that you are going home, or driving to CTC.
SENIORS – you may attend CTC on Tuesday, but you will be responsible for your own transportation that day.
JUNIORS involved in the blood drive – you need to reschedule your time if you are scheduled to give blood right before or during English class.  Mrs. Richardson needs you all present in the room to complete the ACT/MME pre-registration. 
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Radha Patel.
Mobile Dentists will be here Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20 and 21.  Forms are in the wall pocket in front of the office.  The completed forms are due in the office by Wednesday, March 14. 
Positive thought for the day – Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Will Rogers
“Test Fest” is next Tuesday, March 6. 
9th grade will be taking the PLAN test.
10th grade will be taking the Practice ACT.
11th grade will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, the Workkeys on Wednesday, and the
Michigan Component of the MME on Thursday.
All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be testing on Tuesday and being here and on time is VERY important.  You may not enter a class once a test has started.  If you miss, you will have to make it up.
12th grade – you will have Tuesday off to do college visits, job shadows, and/or career research. You are not to be in the building that day. 
If you plan to go out for a spring sport, you must have a current physical on file with the athletic department.  This must be taken care of before the first day of practice on March 12.  If you do not know if you have a physical on file, see Ms. Gilson.