Thursday, March 22, 2012
SOPHOMORES: if you sold coffee, go to Mr. Bongard’s room at 11:54 today and pick up your orders so you can deliver to your people.
SENIORS – if you are going on the senior trip, there is a mandatory meeting in Mrs. Peterson’s room this Friday, March 23 during lunch – be there by 12:10. Afternoon CTC students see Mrs. Peterson as soon as possible.
Congratulations to Zipporah Baker – our Student of the Week.
ALL STUDENTS – yes, warm weather is here – BUT the dress code has not changed. Make sure that when you walk out your door in the morning, you are dressed appropriately for school.
Math tutoring is scheduled for today, with Mrs. VanderBrook.
Positive thought for the day –
¨So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." ~Christopher Reeve
Teen Impact is a program for area teens through the YMCA in Cadillac, that offers structured and unstructured learning environments that motivate, build hope, and skills needed to bring excellence and direction into education, work, home, and personal lives. It is a 16 week program that meets for 2 hours, twice per week. As a bonus, participants get a FREE year membership at the Y! The next session will be starting the end of May. Applications are due by May 15. If you are interested in this, see Mrs. Richardson.