Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The third annual Mr. Lake City Pageant is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. this Friday, March 16 in the high school gym. The emcees this year are Mr. Hinkston and Mr. Bongard. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $3.00 for adults, $2.00 for students, and $10.00 for families. Don’t forget – this is a fundraiser for after-prom, so support this night of awesome entertainment.
Math tutoring is scheduled for Thursday, March 15 with
Baker College of Cadillac will be starting their Segment 1 driver education class soon. Applications are located in the wall pocket outside the office or you may contact Mr. Yeomans during lunch.
Mobile Dentists will be here Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20 and 21. Forms are in the wall pocket in front of the office. The completed forms are due in the office by Wednesday, March 14.
Positive thought for the day –
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."
~Elizabeth Bibesco
JV BOYS BASKETBALL ATHLETES – if you have not turned in your basketball uniform, you must do so as soon as possible. You may give it to Ms. Gilson today, or take it to your awards banquet tonight and give to coach.
GIRLS BASKETBALL ATHLETES – your awards banquet is scheduled for Thursday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. It is a dessert banquet – please bring a dessert pass.