Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Attention Student Council - there will be a meeting today at lunch in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.


Math tutoring is scheduled for tomorrow from 3:30-4:15 p.m. in Mr. Bongard’s room.


YACsters – there will be a meeting today at noon in Ms. Morse’s room.  Please grab your lunch as quickly as you can and head down.


Students will have a half day of school November 14. There will be no CTC that afternoon, and no school on November 15.


School pictures will be taken this morning.  Students will be dismissed in small groups throughout the morning.  Afternoon CTC students make sure you have your picture taken before you get on the bus.  All students, including seniors, need to have their pictures taken.


Mobile dentist will be here Thursday and Friday, October 4 and 5.  Forms are located outside the office and must be returned by September 18.




The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is looking for students born between August of1994 and February of 1998, with a GPA of 2.75 or higher, who have an interest in foreign language study and international travel, to sponsor for their exchange program.  If you are interested in being an exchange student next year, you can contact Amy Gibbs at 231-468-1096, or email, or see Mrs. Richardson for a pre-application.  Applications need to be in by September 25.


Central Michigan University will be here September 24 and Ferris State September 26.  If you would like to meet with either of these colleges please sign up in the office during your lunch or before or after school.


We are still in need of a few students to help out at the Kiwanis Coats for Kids Dinner on Thursday evening.  The times are 4:30 – 7:30 and you could help part of the time or all evening.  This is ideal volunteer work for YAC members, NHS service hours, and anyone wishing to help out their community.  Sign up in

Mrs. Richardson’s office asap!