Monday, December 10, 2012



Monday, December 10, 2012





YACsters:  Stop by Ms. Morse’s room at noon today so we can all touch base before caroling.  If you have not turned your permission slip in please do so as soon as possible.


Wednesday tutoring is scheduled with Mr. Nederhood.


Math tutoring is scheduled for Thursday, December 13 with Mrs. VanderBrook.


Seniors – now is the time to turn in your senior picture, baby picture, and a quote.  Submit these items to Mrs. Atkins, Brittany Goudos-Weisbecker, or Brittany DuVall.  All items need to be turned in by Friday, December 21!


Congratulations to our Student of the Week – Brandon Hicks.









LAST CALL – any student interested in going out for wrestling must sign up with Ms. Gilson by 8:15 Thursday morning.