Thursday, December 13, 2012



Thursday, December 13, 2012




There will be a prom meeting in Mr. Bongard’s room during lunch today.  Please come with some enthusiasm and let’s get ready to make some serious plans.


Math tutoring is scheduled with Mrs. VanderBrook today.


Seniors – now is the time to turn in your senior picture, baby picture, and a quote.  Submit these items to Mrs. Atkins, Brittany Goudos-Weisbecker, or Brittany DuVall.  All items need to be turned in by Friday, December 21!


Congratulations to our Student of the Week – Brandon Hicks.


Candy-grams! Get your Candy-grams! Student Council will be selling them for $1 through Friday at lunch. They will be delivered the day before Christmas break.




“The only pillar that will always be standing and waiting for you to lean on in bad times is yourself. So learn to be independent and face the obstacles with courage and wisdom. Embrace this challenge of LIFE. If you fall, pick yourself up and walk again." ~ Florence C.




Boys JV/Varsity basketball @ Lake Leelanau St. Mary, dismissal time 3:15 p.m., bus departs at

3:35 p.m., game starts at 6:00 p.m.


SENIOR ATHLETES – applications are available for the MIAAA scholarship (Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association).  We can submit only one male and one female for this scholarship.  If interested see Ms. Gilson for selection criteria and an application.  Deadline for applications is January 18.