Thursday, February 07, 2013
Baker College is offering segment 1 driver education classes starting Friday, March 1. Sign up forms are located outside the office or see Mr. Yeomans at lunch to sign up.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Dylan Stowell.
Math tutoring is scheduled for tomorrow in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.
There is a freshman fundraiser meeting scheduled for tomorrow in Mrs. Clous’ room during lunch.
COUNSELOR’S CORNER Sargent Bradley from the Marines will be in the lobby during lunch today. Seniors – you should be working on your FAFSA. It is due by Friday, March 1. Seniors – College Goal Sunday is this Sunday at Baker College from 2-4 p.m. If you need help filing the FAFSA, take your information and advisors will help you through the process. This is a great opportunity to get assistance and get it done! The Missaukee Conservation District is looking for several volunteers to serve at their annual dinner. It is Monday, February 18 from 4–8:30 p.m. at Timber Wolf Lodge. You will get a free dinner, get to listen to a national speaker and hear performers Seth Bernard and Daisy May. This is a great opportunity to help within your community and a chance to get volunteer hours to put on applications and resumes. Sign up in Mrs. Richardson’s office asap! ATHLETICS Boys varsity wrestling districts @ Pine River vs Manton, bus leaves at 4:00 p.m., match starts at 6:00 p.m. Boys JV basketball @ McBain, bus leaves at 6:30 p.m., game starts at 7:30 p.m. Check out the athletic wall pockets for information on local 3 on 3 tournaments. Lake City wrestling is having a bench-a-thon fundraiser Saturday, February 23. If interested check out the posters in the hallway for entry information. Girls basketball pictures have been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 13 right after school. |