Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Seniors – just a reminder that the make-up date for the graduate composite picture is tomorrow. Pictures will be taken between 11 a.m. and noon. We will get you out of class if we need your picture.
Seniors and Juniors - prom tickets will be on sale tomorrow and the Friday after break. Cost is $30 and there will be a picture package included in the ticket. You will need to save the tab on the ticket to give to the photo booth. After prom tickets will also be available for $5. After prom will be at The Pines and more information will be available after spring break. Remember you will have to fill out paperwork for after prom.
SENIORS - if you would like to order a senior shirt, please see Meggan Martin or Brittany Goudos-Weisbecker. Cost for shirts will be $11-$14. You must pay for your shirt before one is ordered for you. Deadline to order and pay is Thursday, March 28. A picture of the shirt is hanging outside
Ms. Morse’s room.
SENIORS – we will take the group senior photo today at 3:05 in the gymnasium. Afternoon CTC seniors are to report to the gym immediately upon return from CTC. Wear a red shirt.
FRESHMEN – a class meeting will be held tomorrow during 2nd hour. Report to your class for attendance then head to the auditorium. We will be going over our fundraiser. If you are leaving for break early, see Mrs. Clous or Mrs. Borton for fundraising information. Be sure to check out the freshmen bulletin board in the hallway.
Student council meeting today at lunch in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.
All Star driver education will have a new class starting Monday, April 15. Flyers are outside the office.
Tutoring is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 with Mrs. Richardson in room 13.
COUNSELOR’S CORNER “The greatest challenge of the day is how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us.” ~ Dorothy Day ATHLETICS |