Thursday, April 18, 2013
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Jacob Clous.
Juniors and seniors - tickets for prom and after-prom will be on sale every day this week at lunch.
If you cannot purchase a ticket at lunch see Mr. Bongard. The sheets for after- prom need to be completed and returned by Friday in order for the t-shirts to be ordered to arrive before prom.
If you plan to bring a guest from another school to prom, you must register that person with the high school office for Mr. Peterson’s approval. The guest registration form will be in the office the week of Monday, April 22. The deadline for registration is 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25.
Math tutoring is scheduled for today with Mr. Bongard.
Freshmen mixed bag fundraiser top sales go to Phoebe Bilyea in first place and Jonathon LaBeau second place. Great job and thank you to all participants and supporters! Pheobe and Jonathon please stop by Mrs. Borton’s room 22 to receive your top sale prize.
Don’t forget LCHS cinch sack bags are still available for a limited time only! See Mrs. Clous or a freshman representative to get yours, only $10 while they last!
COUNSELOR’S CORNER The meeting about dual enrollment, independent study, and Teacher Academy for next year has been rescheduled for this Friday at 8:30 a.m. in the foods room. If you plan to take any of these next year, you must be at the meeting or see Mrs. Richardson. “When it seems humanly impossible to do more in a difficult situation, surrender yourself to the inner silence and thereafter wait for a sign of obvious guidance or for a renewal of inner strength.” ~ Paul Brunton ATHLETICS Athletes – if you have questions about your schedule this week – see Ms. Gilson. |