Thursday, May 02, 2013
NHSers - help is needed at Friday’s track meet. You would need to be there from 6-8:30 p.m.
See Ms. Bernier ASAP if you are able to help.
NHS - we have a yard clean-up service opportunity. The couple would like it taken care of as soon as possible. Please see Ms. Bernier ASAP if you are interested.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Levi Aten.
SENIORS – you may sign up for graduation walking partners through the end of today with
Ms. Gilson. If you do not register, we will assign you a walking partner.
Math tutoring is scheduled for today with Mrs. VanderBrook.
COUNSELOR’S CORNER Seniors – Missaukee Farm Bureau is offering a scholarship to a senior whose family is a Farm Bureau member and who is pursuing an agricultural related vocation. See Mrs. Richardson for an application. Applications are due Friday, May 17. ATHLETICS There will be a meeting at 7:30 a.m. for all 9th-11th grade boys going out for basketball next year on Wednesday, May 8 in the auditorium. See Ms. Gilson if you have questions. |