Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Andrew Fechter.


Today is the last day for returning library books.  Please make sure you have everything turned in to the high school library today.


Exam exemption applications are available outside the high school office.  Forms must be turned in to the office no later than 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 31.


Tutoring is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 with Mr. Yeomans in room 13.


Math tutoring is scheduled for Thursday, May 30 with Mr. Prielipp.





You did a great job last week raising money for the Relay for Life.  We have raised just shy of $400 so far!  Let’s keep it up and see if we can double the amount raised this week for the event on Friday.  The classrooms with the top donations so far are – 1-Mrs. Atkins, 2-Mr. Thom, 3-Mrs. Clous,

4-Ms. Bernier.  We have a classroom that has raised well over $100 and classrooms that haven’t raised any.  Let’s keep going and see how much we will be able to donate!  Way to go!





Boys varsity golf @ Reed City, dismissal 2:15 p.m., van departs 2:30 p.m., match starts at 4:00 p.m.


Varsity baseball/softball pre-districts @ Pine River, dismissal 2:45 p.m., bus departs at 3:00 p.m., games start at 4:30 p.m.


High school girls interested in participating in the volleyball summer camp may pick up a registration

form from the athletic wall pocket outside Ms. Gilson’s door.  Registrations are due by May 30.