Monday, October 28, 2013
Congradulations to the Student of the Week – Justin Balcer.
Picture retakes are in the auditorium this morning. Stop by the office if you have any questions or need a form.
Juniors – if you are selling snacks for the senior trip and need another box see Mrs. Colecchio. Money will need to be turned in Monday, November 4 at noon in Mr. Prielipp’s room.
Social Studies tutoring is scheduled for today in Mrs. Atkin’s room after school and biology tutoring is in Mrs. Clous’ room after school today.
Courtesy Driving School is offering segment I and II classes in November. Information and phone number is located on the bulletin board in the lobby.
Northwestern Michigan College will be here on Tuesday, October 29. Please sign up in the office before or after school, or during lunch.
SENIOR ATHLETES – applications are available for the MHSAA/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete Award. Lake City can submit three girls and three boys. You must have a gpa of 3.5 and must have earned your varsity letter. See Ms. Gilson for an application. All applications are due by Friday, November 22.