Thursday, March 27, 2014
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Drew Marion.
Seniors - if you want to vote for your speaker do so before 11:45 today with Matt Grieb.
(He leaves for CTC at 11:45)
Seniors - if you are paying for the senior trip today or tomorrow, please pay Mr. Castillo in shop.
The Huron-Manistee National Forests will be filling 2-3 Youth Conservation Corps positions at the supervisor’s office in Cadillac this summer. See Mrs. Richardson for an application. They are due to the Cadillac office by Friday, April 18.
SUPER, AWESOME FUN NIGHT returns Friday, April 11 from 7–11p.m.! More details soon. Committee members meet today in Mrs. Peterson’s room 3rd hour after announcements.
All schedule requests, CTC registration, dual enrollment, independent study online courses, and Teacher Academy forms must be turned in by tomorrow!
Anthony Ianni and the Relentless Tour will be here Thursday morning, April 10! The former MSU basketball player will speak to us about his experiences.