Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Micala Taylor.


Any student 16 or older who would like to donate blood next Friday, please sign-up with Cylee Burns or online on the school website. You could save a life!


Seniors - remember to share your ideas for class motto, class song and class flower.  Write your ideas on the senior board outside Ms. Morse’s English room.  The deadline for submitting your ideas is this Thursday.  Also, your yearbook quote is due to Mrs. Atkins or Joe this Friday. 


Science tutoring is scheduled after school today in Mrs. Clous’ room.


English tutoring is scheduled after school today in Ms. Morse’s room.


Seniors - we need at least three people to do 50/50 at tonight’s volleyball game.  If you’re willing please see Ms. Morse as soon as possible today!




There is a meeting for students interested in taking a Dual Enrollment or Independent Study class for 2nd semester tomorrow in the auditorium. If you’re interested but can’t attend, see Mrs. Richardson.


Aquinas College will be here tomorrow.  Please sign up in the office before or after school or at lunch.




JV/Varsity volleyball vs NMC, home, match starts at 6:00 p.m.

Tonight is our last home volleyball match.  It is also Dig Pink Night and parents’ night.  Come out and support the team - wear pink and support a worthy cause.


Pre-season conditioning for boys basketball will meet at the track from 3:30-4:40 today.