Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Wednesday, October 01, 2014


SOPHOMORES – Jostens reps will be here today to take class ring orders.  See them during lunch in the library.


Juniors - there will be a prom planning meeting tomorrow during lunch in Mrs. Clous’ room.  All juniors are welcome to attend.  Also, if you have not paid your class dues, the cost this year is $15.  You can turn money in to Mrs. Clous or Mr. Bongard. 


The Mobile Dentist will be here Tuesday and Wednesday, November 11 and 12.  To take advantage of this convenient opportunity fill out the enrollment form located in the wall pocket outside the office.  Completed enrollment forms need to be returned to Holly Helsel by Friday, October 24.  If you have questions, please see Miss Holly or call her at 839-2665.


Math tutoring is scheduled tomorrow in Mrs. VanderBrook’s room.


Students:  if you park your car in the north parking lot (across from Fosters), you are to use the area east of the double doors.  This includes the gravel area.




Teacher Academy students – don’t forget your meeting at lunch tomorrow!


The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is taking applications.  This group is open to any student interested in volunteering and helping out within their community.  See Mrs. Richardson to apply.  Applications are due Monday, October 6.  This is a great way to get involved and help in providing funds to local groups and organizations.


Juniors and seniors - Cadillac High School will be holding their annual College Night on Wednesday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the auxiliary gym.  There will be many college representatives available.





Fall athletes: the Boosters’ Bear Claw Bag sale runs through October 10.  All order forms and money are to be turned in to Ms. Gilson by 3:30 on the 10th.