Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Congratulations to Zoe McElroy and Madelynn McLeod our Students of the Week.
SENIORS – Jostens will be here tomorrow to distribute graduation orders. See Mr. Heethuis in the library before school. Cap and gown packages will be distributed in May.
SENIORS – if you are interested in ordering a senior shirt they are $9 for a short sleeve and $12 for a long sleeve. You must pay for your shirt before the order is sent. Deadline for senior shirt orders and class dues is Thursday, April 2. If you are planning on going on the senior trip, you need to pay your dues. If you are not sure how much you owe, get with Bradley Atkins or your advisors.
There will be a freshman class meeting tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium. It is time for our spring fundraiser so please make sure you are there to pick up an order form.
Juniors - there will be a prom planning meeting Thursday in Mrs. Clous' room during lunch.
Sophomores – there are still a few openings for the MY LEAD conference held in May and June. This is a great opportunity and there is no cost. If you are interested, see Mrs. Richardson ASAP.
Schedule requests and changes need to be done by the end of next week. See Mrs. Richardson if you have any questions.
If you are interested in Dual Enrollment, Independent Study, or Teacher Academy for next year, you must fill out an interest form and turn it in to Mrs. Richardson (or the office) by the end of next week. Meetings for each of these classes will take place after spring break.
If you plan to go to CTC next year, you must fill out an enrollment form and turn it in to
Mrs. Richardson (or the office) by the end of next week.
Love Inc. has started Precious Pearls Boutique, offering special occasion loaner dresses for students who want to borrow a dress for prom or other special occasions. It is located in Manton. For more information call 779-1888.
The ASVAB test will be given at CTC on Tuesday, March 24. Students interested in taking it may do so at no charge. You will ride the CTC bus over, stay all day, and ride the bus back. The ASVAB test is a series of 8 short tests that help you identify your skills in a variety of areas. You then get a career exploration summary of your strengths to help make your career decisions. Sign up in the office by the end of the day Friday, March 20 to take the test. You will be responsible for getting the work you miss ahead of time
BASEBALL – practice today is from 3:30-5:00 at the high school.
The boys basketball awards banquet is scheduled for tonight at 6:00 the cafeteria.