Thursday, April 16, 2015



Thursday, April 16, 2015




Prom tickets will be sold during lunch.  Tickets are $30 each or $55 per couple. If you plan to bring a guest that is not a Lake City student, you will need to register that person in the high school office next week.


JUNIORS – there will be a prom meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Clous’ room.  If you are available to help after school, stop by Mr. Bongard’s or Mrs. Clous’ room.  There is a lot to do!


Baker College is offering driver training classes starting Thursday, April 16.  Schedules will be available in the wall pocket outside the office.


There is going to be a Lake City variety show for K-12 students and staff.  School appropriate acts should be three minutes in length.  The show will be Saturday, May 2 at 6:30 p.m.  If you are interested in participating there is a sign-up sheet in the high school office.  Help is also needed for backstage. If you would like to be part of the show but don’t want to perform on stage, or have any questions, please contact Ms. Porter at 839-7163.





TEACHER ACADEMY STUDENTS – please see Mrs. Richardson sometime this week.  Also – make sure you are doing your time sheets.


Seniors who have independent study classes – all assignments need to be submitted by May 1 and then exams need to be requested in order to get the class completed by graduation.  If you are having problems, you need to see Mrs. Richardson asap.


If you are interested in attending the annual LEAD conference this year, see Mrs. Richardson for a registration form.  It will be held at the Kettunen Center Thursday, April 23.


Seniors – Cadillac Castings is hiring summer positions both short and long-term, full-time employment.  Starting rate is $12 an hour and you must be 18.  If interested, their applications, along with many others, are at the Michigan Works office at 401 Lake Street in Cadillac.